Monday, August 26, 2013

Free Printable DIY Quote Sign

To celebrate the GRAND OPENING of my new etsy store, I am offering this FREE printable sign for your home decor!  In return, I only ask that you visit one of my etsy stores to the right and add it to your favorites.

So what is a printable sign?  

It is a high resolution JPEG file that you may print from home, from your local print shop, or an online print shop.

What is a JPEG file?

This is a common file format for digital photos or other digital graphics.

What is high resolution?

This simply means that you will be able to print this in LARGE sizes without the picture becoming fuzzy.  You could even print on canvas!

So how to I begin with this freebie?

Step 1: Right click on the image below, then "Save As."  Be sure to remember in which file you save it!  If you purchase a sign from my store, the steps will be the same. You will be sent the file immediately upon payment.

Step 2a:  For an online store, upload the file to your favorite online print store, such as Shutterfly, Snapfish, Walmart, Target, etc.  Then follow the directions on the site.  Since this file isn't super high resolution, you will choose the size 4" x 6".  Then choose either matte or glossy finish.

Step 2b:  For a local store, save the file to a flash drive. Customer service will then assist you at one of their machines.  You will want to choose 4" x 6" size.

Step 2c:  For printing at home, I recommend using powerpoint.  Simply "Insert Picture" and size your picture to approximately 4" x 6" size.  Click on "Print."

Step 3:  Find or purchase a frame. The Dollar Store has nice one or you could go fancy. If you purchase from Hobby Lobby, don't forget to use their 40% off coupon on your smart phone.

If you are interested in printing this sign in larger sizes (up to 20" x 30"), please left click on the picture to purchase the high resolution file  in my store for only 50 cents!  (Just to cover my listing and selling fees.)  Thank you!

Copyright Shelly Anton, We Love Printable Art 2013, for non-commercial use. Please do not redistribute. You may not share online anywhere!

I will post freebies and general ideas from time to time.  Please follow my blog, so you don't miss out!

Many blessings,

If you are interested in royalty free (for commercial use) clipart, please click the image below.

Click HERE or the cat to write a caption!


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